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How Universal Baby Works





UB videos are culturally-specific and honor local caregivers as relatable role-models.


Once a collaboration has been established, Universal Baby will set out to.....


1) In collaboration with community partners in any country, Universal Baby sets out to capture real-life video footage of caregivers and their children going about their every-day activities.


2) From this naturalistic raw footage, The Universal Baby team of clinicians and developmental experts curates a collection of the especially responsive moments between a caregiver and child, any of which a great example of brain-building and protective interaction


3) Universal Baby team shares these curated selections with local experts--community partners and caregivers, themselves. These reciprocal interactions can be small and seemingly insignificant--often just seconds long--that they are  not given a second thought. These local experts select the interaction(s) they find most compelling (?). This could be anything from a moment while feeding an infant, caretaking, or just playing together.


With input from local experts, (caregivers and community partners) collected video footage is then edited into one or many Universal Baby videos that also feature local environmental imagery and attention


We think sometimes think of it as a sports play-by-play. 


between the caregiver and child where reciprocal and responsive interactions really shine. 


engaging in interaction with their infants, toddlers, or preschoolers in any setting of their choice (e.g., home, backyard, community center, etc.). 


With input from local experts, (caregivers and community partners) collected video footage is then edited into UB prototypical video segments that also feature local environmental imagery and attention

UB process Image.png
  1. invite caregivers to share expertise 

  2. Footage collection

  3. Review footage to identify key behaviours

  4. Script development & video production

  5. Finalise video based on stakeholder feedback

  1. Using raw footage during training

  2. Creating raw footage in clinical settings

  3. Playback in clinic waiting room

  4. During parent/caregiver groups

  5. One-on-one conversations with a caregiver

  6. On closed-circuit TV for specific community

  7. Media campaigns, Youtube, social media

  1. Appeal indicators, audience surveys

  2. Pre- and post-testing for target learning, intentions, etc.

  3. Qualitative interviews with open-ended formats

  4. Direct observation of specific behavioural skills

  5. Virtual recognition and skill acquisition


Rooting child development services in existing positive parenting practices.


Showcasing relevant cultural practices rather than foreign ones.


Honor, appreciation and respect for existing parenting practices and traditions.


Reminding parents and caregivers of their own positive actions and influence on their child's development

Knowledge Sharing

Share scientific knowledge about early brain development directly with parents/caregivers, and service providers.


Highlighting the diversity of responsive caregiving 


Leverage growing technologies to better highlight the nuances and subtleties of interactions



I felt good because I learned new things, I saw how the mothers interacted with their children and I learned how to understand my son without him being able to tell me.

We have to be patient. Their development is important and what they capture when they're children.


Children give you daily signals from when they wake up until they go to sleep. Before, I did it my way, now I ask [my son] and he tells me, ‘pumpkin or diaper’.

What we are learning

  • Caregivers get used to the camera

  • Caregivers want to share the video of themselves with others

  • Recomend videos to other mothers

  • Videos captured ‘normal’ things done with children in the community

  • Caregivers want to be in the videos

  • Wanted to watch more videos

  • Brain development was new information

  • Paying attention to baby’s signals new

  • “I’m excited because other mothers do what I do with my children and we need to pay more attention to our children”

  • Cultural, technical: We were able to produce 6 Universal Baby videos with culturally-customized content featuring local parents and children and using an international collaboration model that is low cost and efficient.

  • Stand alone, impact: Locally-sourced videos of key parent-child interactions combined with clear educational messaging about brain development in relation to parenting behaviors, are novel, effective and potentially scalable tools for enhancing parenting and improving the lives of children and families across the globe.

  • Appeal: CHWs and parents were engaged by the process of making and viewing videos.  Qualitative data support the appeal  and dissemination potential, via mobile technology and social media, of this innovative approach.

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